Jawatan Kosong Malaysian Oil And Gas Services Council (MOGSC)

The Malaysian Oil & Gas Services Council (MOGSC) was formed on 1st December 2003, as an initiative to establish an association driven and promoted by the services sector of the Malaysian Oil & Gas Industry. MOGSC’s presence and visibility has continued to increase significantly across the industry through participation in various initiatives with industry stakeholders and government to collaborate in the interest of the industry and the national economy. Since 2010, with the launch of the Economic Transformation Program (ETP), MOGSC has played a very active role in support of the ETP agenda through various engagements with government, PEMANDU, PETRONAS, Oil & Gas companies, MOGSC members andindustry stakeholders.The ETP will significantly dictate MOGSC activities in 2011 and the near future, with an increase in the level of participation and activities towards the success of the ETP for the Malaysian Oil & Gas Industry. Oil & Gas Career and Technology Exhibition: A Weekend with Oil and Gas Industry is a program hosted by the Oil and Gas Engineering Students Society (OAGss) of UiTM with collaboration of Malaysian Oil & Gas Services Council (MOGSC). The collaboration between these two entities is aimed at creating industrial ties which will benefit both party as well as the Malaysian Oil & Gas Industry. This program is an eye opener for the students on the many different career paths that can be taken in the Oil & Gas Industry. The main goal of the program is that it serves as a stepping stone to introduce the existence of the OAGss UiTM to the Oil & Gas Industry and to the nation
1. Oil And Gas Career and Technology Exhibition
Who’s Attending?
• Academicians and students from various institution of higher learning
• Representatives from various companies related to the oil and gas industry
• Representatives from related governmental agencies
• Public and job seekers
Date: 19 & 20 November 2011
Place: Dewan Agong Tuanku Canselor, UiTM Shah Alam
Date: 19 & 20 November 2011
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