January 14, 2011

Jawatan Kosong di Akademi Laut Malaysia (ALAM)

Job Vacancies in the Malaysian Maritime Academy (ALAM)

In line with our quest to become the "Nerve Centre for Maritime Excellence", we are sourcing for suitably qualified and experienced individuals to join our dynamic team and pursue an excellent career opportunity with us, in the following positions:

1. Senior Lecturers/Lecturers For Nautical Studies & Marin Engineering Course (PRE-SEA & POST SEA)
2. Instructor (Medical).
3. Warden (Batu Rakit Campus, Terengganu)

APPLICATION Interested candidates are requested to write-in to the following address stating full details of qualification(s) and experience, present and expected salary, contact number, postal as well as electronic mail addresses and enclose together a recent passport-sized photograph (n.r.) to:

Head, HR Management & Administration AKADEMI LAUT MALAYSIA (ALAM) Window Delivery 2051,
Masjid Tanah Post Office 78300 Masjid Tanah,

Kindly note down the position title on the top left of the envelope. Alternatively, please fax to 06-3876700 or e-mail to mma@alam.edu.my. Only short listed candidates will be notified.

For more information, click link below: -
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Malaysian Maritime Academy


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